Bryce Crump is a UX designer based in Tucson, Arizona.
My UX journey started with finding out about the Google Professional Certificate courses from Tik Tok, of all places. From there I looked through all to see which was the most applicable to me. I like drawing and designing things, I like observing human behavior, and I like learning about the business side of things, UX design just made the most sense to me.
The UX design certificate course had me complete 3 different projects for my portfolio: a movie trailer app, a chef social networking responsive website, and a speech tutoring app/responsive website. The more projects I completed the more I realized how much I enjoyed the work and how it made sense to me.
For fun I draw stickers, go on hikes, try fun new recipes with my girlfriend, and attempt to teach our cat Peach to do a backflip.
(520) 286-3623