Local Movie Theater App

I joined the Google UX Design Professional Certificate program, and my first project, randomly generated, was to design a movie trailer app for a local theater.

Home page of the app

Trailer page

The goal of the project was to show how I’ve learned to use Figma for user-focused design, as well as to showcase my wireframing skills, prototyping skills, UX research skills, in addition to my understanding of the iterative process.

The Process

I began with a competitive audit. I analyzed the different apps, their unique value proposition. I also took notes on the design of each app, the interaction design, the visual design, the ease of use, and the content itself.

Fundamental research showed me something: the most common issue users have with trailer apps is with the trailers themselves having spoilers or revealing too much information.

Paper wireframes

Being my first project, the paper wireframes were a bit rough, but I eventually got the hang of it.

After choosing which paper wireframes I liked the best, I continued in Figma to create the digital wireframes of the main user flow.

After connecting the screens in a main user flow to be tested, I conducted a usability study. I wanted to see how usable the app was and if it was easily navigable. After I made revisions based on participant feedback and added some color, I conducted another usability study, with the same questions and goal in mind.


Updated mockups

The goal initially was for users to set up a home theater on their account. Research indicated that most users prefer theaters sorted by range.

The goal was for users to have access to the showings, more trailers, and reviews all from the same page, but it had to be tweaked in order to be user friendly

What did I learn?

I learned a lot about Figma; I learned how to wireframe, mockup, prototype, how to create a sticker page, how to properly conduct UX research AND iterate based on research results.

Next Steps

  1. Finish mockups for every single page in the app, not simply the main user flow.

  2. Send full specifications, from colors to size to page specs, over to the developers and front end engineers to seamlessly transition from prototype to product launch

  3. Observe user interaction and reviews post app launch, in order to continue to revise and update the app.

Lets Connect!

(520) 286-3623; text or call





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